Thursday is charging towards us now, but it seems to be crawling here to the house guests. They're trapped in that last, seemingly never-ending week in the BB house. Today will be another day of nothing happening, but they're expecting their final comp today and don't know it'll be tomorrow.
Morgan is now the most popular person in the house who pretty much never finds herself alone. Either Jason and Kryssie are with her, or if they leave her alone, Justin's there with her. Jason and Kryssie are actively rooting for Morgan to win tomorrow's comp. They've been helping her study and are impressed by how much she knows. (Truth be told she knows most of the stuff better than they do.) Justin's also rooting for Morgan if he can't beat her. He wants the fans to vote for Morgan if he's not there. He's tired of the LNJ side of the house and wants them gone from his life.
The house got the HOH camera yesterday morning and had fun taking their last round of pictures. Jason has a bowl full of Shelby's Krackel bars that he's made into a throne for Jojo to sit on when he's not with Morgan and they took a picture of Jojo on his throne. They then built a Monte out of his leggings, jacket, and some sheets and an inflated condom and put it on the eviction sofa. The rain finally stopped and they opened up the backyard again and everyone raced outside to see what had changed and were disappointed to find that nothing had changed. They're kind of lost as to why they were locked down for the better part of two days. (It was the weather.) Everyone worked out a bit in the yard after it was reopened.
At this stage of the game the house guests just want to get it over with. They've been there forever and there's not a lot left to do. It's kind of like that last week of school where everything's done, but you still have to go each day.
Tomorrow night we have the final comp. That will be interesting and determine the final three. I suspect they'll have Morgan and Justin pack their bags tomorrow as whoever loses gets dismissed afterwards. Then on Wednesday they give their live pleas for votes telling us why they deserve to win. I don't know if that'll be done privately in the DR or the living room. Then we vote and on Thursday we have the finale where everyone comes back and we see who wins.
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