Yesterday saw the HOH comp resume with Morgan as the infected house guest. She spread the infection to Cornbread who then spread it to Jason. Jason had the choice of Alex, Monte and Whitney to infect, but he'd had a chat with Monte earlier where both agreed that they were cool with the other one and Jason didn't want to infect him, so he gave it to Whitney. (A bad tactical move on Jason's part.) Whitney then had the power to pick the HOH. Since her and Alex were working with Monte and Monte wanted to be HOH they decided he should have it, so Whitney infected Alex and Monte became the HOH.
Not surprisingly, the HOH immediately went to Monte's head and he developed a severe case of HOH-itis. King Monte then decided he was in total and complete charge of the house and started organizing everything starting with some games during a pair of lockdowns. Once the lock downs ended, Monte got his HOH room and proceeded to grant an audience to one house guest at a time. He pretty quickly settled on Jason and Kryssie as the nominees with Shelby in reserve as a pawn.
In alliance news, we still have the OTT Jamboree alliance with Jason, Scott, Shelby, Justin, Kryssie and they may be including Danielle who's been up with the group this morning. (Danielle may be taking the place of Shelby as Shelby bailed during some of the more lascivious talk this morning while Danielle joined right in with stories of her own.) The four guy alliance (Monte, Shane, Scott, and Cornbread) is looking less solid as Monte and Shane are less sure of Cornbread and Scott at this time. Monte and Shane are looking to bring in Alex, Whitney, and Morgan. Alex and Whitney are happy with this as they've been focused on working with Monte/Shane for a while. Meanwhile, Whitney and Alex have also set up a four girl alliance with Morgan and Shelby, but they're limiting the information they spread to them.
Tonight we'll have the first Safety Ceremony where likely five house guests will learn they're safe. (We've got thirteen house guests with two initial nominees and one HOH, so there are going to be ten people who are safe.) The HOH room has a panel with all of the house guests photos on it and buttons underneath that will likely play a role in the Safety Ceremony. Then tomorrow night we get the second Safety Ceremony where we'll end up with the two HOH nominees. Starting Sunday we get to vote for our nominee which the house doesn't know about just yet.
Jason's alliance (the OTT Jamboree) wants the pretty girls (they call them the "plastics") up and out and will target Morgan, Alex and Whitney. (Who I find myself typing as Britney, so if you see Britney anytime don't think there's a new house guest it's just my brain typing in the wrong name.) Monte's side of the house is targeting Jason initially, but Justin, Kryssie, and even Scott are likely future targets for them.
Danielle's kind of interesting. Initially she was glued to Justin. Then she was glued to Shane. As I type this she's back hanging with Jason, Justin and Kryssie. Alex and Whitney are probably the smartest players right now. Both are super fans and are playing hard from the get go but playing controlled at the same time. They've got Shane and Monte as meat shields, they've got allies in Morgan and Shelby to help protect them. They're working well together and most of the house has no clue how smart and effective they are. They should hang around a while and would be my early favorites to win.
Shelby's also pretty smart and playing well, but her closeness to Jason could be a problem for her which may be why she's moving away from him more now. She knows he's the target this week and she's putting some distance between her and him. Scott's playing the rat game of being close to both sides, but so far is mostly just telling Monte what Jason's side said.
This morning instead of fish when the house guests still awake start talking about something they shouldn't we're getting Cornbread snoring instead of fish. I miss the fish. Cornbread's snoring may soon find him getting the boot. It's pretty annoying and it doesn't take much to get you evicted.
Justin, Kryssie, and Danielle have led pretty "interesting" lives. Justin "fell into pimping," for a while and has used every drug known to mankind at one time or another. Danielle and Kryssie have also led interesting lives. Their late night/early morning chats are very enlightening, but definitely not PG rated.
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