Sunday, October 23, 2016

Big Brother Over The Top Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 10/23/2016!!!

The cracks in the Late Night Jamboree side of the house are growing. Kryssie informed Jason yesterday that Danielle and Neeley both are talking of getting rid of Jason and Justin which has Kryssie concerned as they're her final three partners. How Kryssie thinks she has any shot at winning against those two is a mystery to us all, but that's who she thinks is the ideal final three for her. Sure, she can beat two of the more popular players in the game with no trouble. Let's just peek in at the Jokers house guest popularity poll and see where they stand. Let's see now, there's Justin and Jason at five and six and Kryssie, well, I guess she's down there someplace below Monte and Cornbread. Kryssie would stand a much better chance against Neeley and Danielle, her former final three, but Neeley's spat with her the other day has broken whatever bond those two had.

Jason informed Justin of Danielle and Neeley wanting them out and Justin now wants to save Scott to use Scott to get rid of Danielle and Neeley but Jason still wants Scott to go this week. (If America nominates Neeley there's a strong likelihood that Justin votes out Neeley no matter what.) Justin's playing his own unique game in the house and seems to have little true loyalty but has been moving more and more towards the Alex, Scott, Whitney,Shelby, Morgan side. Morgan seems to most trusted of the girls by pretty much everyone. 

The Have Nots yesterday were Jason, Neeley and Scott. Scott's taking it well. Jason and Neeeley ending up as Have Nots has rattled their alliance a bit. Both are already grumpier than normal and they haven't even been on slop 24 hours yet. Justin, being Justin celebrated wildly when he learned he wasn't on slop. His time is coming though. As the number of house guests decreases each week and those coming off slop can't be on slop again immediately, Justin will ultimately end up on slop.

The girls engaged in another game of "what are the odds" where Scott ending up having to wear Morgan's flag bikini top. (Originally has was to wear a pair of her shoes, but his feet were too big, so they compromised on the bikini top.) Neeley came down and wanted to join the game and ended up having to get down on all fours and twerk each time a safety nom came down. Jason felt the game wasn't risque enough and should have been bawdier and included nudity.

Kryssie then made safe Neeley, Danielle and Justin, saving Jason for tonight. It looks like Kryssie will keep Morgan safe, so that leaves Scott, Shelby and Whitney as likely targets. Shelby kind of wants to be nominated so she'll be guaranteed to play in the POV and can't be backdoored. She's ramped up her antics a bit to be sure to get Kryssie's attention and it's worked pretty well. Much of the LNJ now wants her out. It's likely Shelby will be one of the noms tonight. Kryssie may save Scott for America to nominate, not knowing that Neeley is more likely going up. (I'll be staying up until eleven tonight to be sure to get all forty votes against Neeley, the twenty before midnight and twenty more tomorrow.)

The HOH camera will appear today and if things go as planned, Kryssie will hoard it and only use it for photos of her "friends" and not the house. In other words, don't expect to see many photos of Alex, Shelby, Scott or Whitney. Morgan may get slipped in a time or two as she's somewhat acceptable these days to Kryssie. If the other side gets any photos taken, Kryssie plans to delete them before returning the camera to the DR.

It should be a pretty quiet day today as the house sits around and waits for the last part of the Safety Ceremony. Then the voting will open for America's Nominee, and God willing, Neeley will end up nominated for eviction. That should produce some interesting reactions. This could end up being a fun week.

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