Yesterday saw the POV ceremony take place where Shane used the POV to save himself. Alex then nominated Kryssie to replace him. Kryssie took the news fairly well while Neeley got very angry over it. Alex has now catapulted her way into being the number one target for Jason's side of the house for next week. Jason's side is now largely planning to nominate Scott and Shelby then backdoor Alex if they win HOH.
Scott, trapped in his sandtrap for 24 hours (his punishment for losing the POV comp) had a string of visitors. Shane was among them asking Scott how he was voting. Scott told him he was voting out Kryssie and the girls were all voting out Kryssie. This was confusing to viewers until Scott explained it later on after being freed from the sandtrap. Scott told Alex all about the four guys' alliance.
Scott's plan/hope is that Shane will want to keep his guy alliance alive (Monte, Shane, Scott) while also keeping Danielle and that by telling Shane that the house is voting out Kryssie that Shane can add his vote to the Kryssie side knowing that America will vote out Monte, but he can then pin his vote on America, saving Monte and his second alliance. Shane knows that Monte fought hard to keep Shane off the block with Alex, so keeping Monte makes some sense for Shane. Shane is okay with Kryssie, but Kryssie is more loyal to Jason, Justin and Neeley than Shane and Danielle, while Monte is still loyal to Shane. It's a clever little ploy by Scott and Monte and could work, but I doubt it. I think Shane will vote to evict Monte.
As of this minute Alex's side of the house will vote to evict Danielle while telling everyone else they're voting to evict Kryssie in the wild hope that Shane will decide to keep Monte over Kryssie. (Which makes sense in many ways.) If Monte or Scott gets a chance to talk to Shane alone they can point out that Kryssie doesn't have Shane's back while Monte does. Kryssie has Jason, Justin and Neeley as her top people. If Shane votes for Kryssie then he keeps all of his support in the house. (Or so they want him to believe as they rip Danielle out from under him.)
So there are two things to watch tonight. One is America's vote which despite lots of pleas from Alex's side will still likely go to evict Monte. (I've cast all 40 of my votes to evict Danielle however. I hate the smearing campaigns she's orchestrated and her childish behavior in the house. Her showmance with Shane may be one of the more annoying showmances I've ever seen too.) And the second thing to watch is Shane's vote. He's not overly close to Kryssie and should know Kryssie will have no trouble cutting him down the road while Monte is more ride or die with Shane.
I don't see Shane growing a pair though and going against Danielle's wishes even if he can hide behind America's vote. I'd love it if he did however. Seeing his face hearing the vote being tied at four votes Monte, four votes Danielle and one vote Kryssie and then Alex rising to vote out Danielle would be awesome! Convincing him to cast that vote for Kryssie to save Monte while the house votes out Danielle would go down in history as a brilliant move on Scott and Monte's part. I just don't think it will work. It is a clever plan though.
If by some miracle it does work and Shane votes out Kryssie, and Alex flushes out Danielle, Shane will be caught in the middle. Could he, would he side with the people who just stabbed him in the back, or the people he just stabbed in the back? There's no great option there for him. Monte and Scott would likely reach out to him to pull him in, but trust would be very hard to build after something like that. Kryssie would be very annoyed to know that she could have been, would have been voted out by Shane. Her allies in Neeley, Jason and Justin wouldn't be thrilled with Shane. His only real option might be to ally with Alex, Scott, Monte, Morgan, Shelby and Whitney despite them voting out Danielle and backstabbing him. It's a brutal spot for Shane to be in.
So, tonight's show could be interesting. It likely will be another in what promises to be a series of wins by Jason's side however. We'll have to see how the voting plays out. Will BB have a host for tonight's show or will it be the somewhat amateur hour production we saw in week one? They did bring in Jeff to host the POV comp, so they're apparently willing to have a host. The house goes on an indoor lockdown this morning at ten BB time to prep the yard for the comp. There have been a number of sayings issued each morning that the house guests are convinced will be part of the Q&A comp they're expecting tonight. They've been rehearsing those sayings a ton.
If Alex's side of the house is to survive they've pretty much got to win HOH tonight and then the POV and repeat that for several weeks. That need to win the POV may require they alter their nomination strategy. Instead of putting up big players they want out, they may have to opt to nominate two of the weaker competitors from the other side to increase their chances of winning the POV, then backdoor whoever they really want out. The risk there is that they could still draw the names of two big players from the other side as POV players and still be in trouble.
It's going to be another late night tonight as we see who becomes the new HOH. Morgan says she doesn't want it this week (she thinks she's pretty safe, knows she can't be on slop next week, and doesn't want to become a bigger target) so that largely leaves this HOH comp in the hands of Scott, Shelby and Whitney, for Alex's side, which is a pretty good trio to compete in a mental comp.
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