Yesterday saw the house get very excited for a chat with Julie Chen. She popped up on their TV at five and had a five to ten minute chat where she asked each house guest a question or two. They all enjoyed that and Julie seemed to enjoy it too.
Shortly after Julie's chat Alex got her HOH room. She was a little panicked that they'd put in a picture of her and Morgan together, or their parents. She didn't have to worry about that. Instead of any pictures of Alex as an adult they had several baby/childhood photos of Alex and one of the family's cat, that Alex doesn't really care for all that much. This was almost more mortifying to Alex as she's afraid people will think she's a friendless loser cat lady. The letter from her mom didn't help matters any either as her mom talked about missing her and their time together watching reality TV. There were no photos of her boyfriend, no letter from her boyfriend, no photos of a grown up Alex with her friends. Alex was a bit mortified while Morgan had to suppress a grin the whole time. When the two had some alone time later they looked up to the camera and begged their mom to do a better job if either of them wins HOH again.
Then came the steady parade of house guests to tell Alex what she should do. Alex is pretty solid still on splitting up the couple in the house. She really wants Shane gone. It's the smart strategic move to make as that will bring Monte more solidly on their side and split up both a showmance (Shane/Danielle) and a bromance (Monte/Shane.) Monte wants Justin gone and wants him gone badly. Justin called Monte out during the last HOH comp and goads Monte pretty regularly. (Including getting naked in front of Monte/Morgan in the bathroom before climbing into the shower. For the record, Justin showers three times a day and typically disrobes outside the shower then climbs in. This time he did it in front of Monte/Morgan and Monte's not happy about it.)
Alex knows she needs an extra vote or two this week and reached out to Neeley who more or less agreed to vote out Shane as long as Shelby wasn't on the block opposite him. Neeley really wants Shelby gone. Shane and Danielle proposed a final six alliance with Alex, Scott, Monte and Morgan that Alex wants no part of. Justin promised not to put up Alex if she keeps him safe this week. Jason also said the same. Alex is having some doubts about her various allies and the only person in the house she fully trusts now is her sister Morgan.
Voting for the first Care Package opened at one o'clock yesterday and the early polling shows that Kryssie will likely win the Care Package. The Jason fans want her to get it as the first Care Package is one that lets the winner to make one of their friends safe from nomination. They think she'll use it on Jason (who's already likely safe this week anyway.)
Just a personal commentary here. I've never understood the fans of Jason and I don't think I ever will. You could pretty much replace him with a Christmas smoker carved to resemble him, placed on the lounge outside and I'm not sure anyone would know the difference. He does nothing in the game but sit around, smoke and make snide remarks. The fact that so many people love the guy just amazes me. I didn't get the love he got in his first season on BB and I'm not seeing anything impressive from him this season. We've got a group of people (Alex, Morgan, Shelby, Whitney, Danielle, Scott and to some extent Monte and Neeley) who are all playing the game hard and making sound strategic moves and playing to win, but the little smoking twerp who does nothing but smoke, or complain about not being able to smoke, gets all of the love.
Back to the house again. Today will see the Care Package delivered. Which by the way is more of a curse than a benefit. You can make one person safe, but it's not you. You have to pick someone to keep safe which can alienate you from your other allies ("Why didn't he/she make me safe?") and make you a bigger target. It forces you to expose who you're most loyal to, which isn't necessarily a help to you or them, while leaving you exposed. It could be used tactically to keep one of Shane/Danielle safe, but in all likelihood Kryssie will use it on Jason. After that we get another live DR session tonight and then on to the first safety ceremony tomorrow.
Assuming Kryssie gets the Care Package and uses it on Jason then in all likelihood Shane and Danielle will go up as the nominees by Alex. America will likely nominate Monte (based on the polls.) Then everything comes down to the POV comp. We'll have at least four comp beasts (Alex, Monte, Shane, Danielle) competing for safety and two other house guests. A win by Alex or one of her allies will let them take down Monte and remove one from the Jason side of the house. They'll need to do this nearly every week to offset the power that Jason's fan base gives the other side of the house.
I really want to see a player (Alex, Morgan, Shelby, Whitney, Danielle, Scott, Monte, or Neeley) win this season rather than someone who does nothing (Shane, Jason, Justin, or Kryssie.) This season is packed with good game players, but the tweaks to the game (adding Jason and giving America so much power) makes their play largely immaterial as long as Jason's fans vote just to protect him.
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