Yesterday saw our first live eviction and just before the live eviction Alex informed Morgan that she was casting an eviction vote against Danielle in the hope that the house would think America cast the vote to evict Danielle. The house voted to evict Cornbread by a count of eleven to one. Danielle got worried that America voted her out. Cornbread left the house in a huff.
Then the HOH comp started. The HOH comp was an endurance comp. The house guests had to stand on a platform and about ten feet away was a cutout of each house guest. They had a wooden crown they had to hold in place on the head of their cutout using a long, somewhat flexible lance like rod. They had two minutes at the start of the comp to place the crown, press the tip of the lance against it then walk back the length of the lance to their platform and then hold the lance in place until the crown fell. Two crowns fell in the setting up process, but all eleven managed to get in place for the start of the comp.
To the surprise of no one, Shelby was the first to fall. She has tiny little arms and any physical comp other than sitting on something will be a challenge for her. Jason was next to go, followed by Shane, Morgan, Scott, Kryssie, Danielle, Whitney, then Justin. That brought the finale down to Alex and Neeley. Each offered a deal to the other, but both refused and decided to fight it out. Neeley's crown fell and Alex became the new HOH. (Just a side note, Justin called out Monte during the comp and told him he was coming after Monte. That may make Justin a bigger target sooner. I suspect no one was happier to see Alex win than Monte.)
Alex seems to be targeting the showmance, Shane and Danielle, this week. Davonne and the Jason fans are trying to rally the votes to get Morgan put up by America, but Monte seems to be the target America prefers based on the polls I've seen. If Monte or Morgan goes up, then the POV becomes a huge comp. A win by one of the girls or their allies in the POV could be used to cancel out whoever America puts up and ensure that either Danielle or Shane leaves.
So the house is nicely divided now with Alex, Morgan, Shelby, Whitney, Monte, and Scott on one side, and Shane, Danielle, Jason, Kryssie, Justin, and Neeley on the other. Monte and Alex want to bring Neeley over to their side to give them an extra vote and they may be able to pull it off. If they can swing Neeley their way, and she likes Monte and Alex and knows she's on the bottom of Jason's alliance, then the girls' side of the house gets really strong and they have the numbers to control the game for a few weeks. (I don't think Jason and Kryssie are viewed as big comp threats, leaving just Justin and whoever survives of Danielle/Shane as physical competitors for Jason's side. Alex's side has Alex, Morgan, Monte, Whitney and possibly Neeley as physical threats and Scott and Shelby as mental comp threats.)
The house will get to see Alex's HOH room later today. Her photos could get her and Morgan in trouble if BB isn't very careful about what photos they give her. Then the voting for America's Care Package starts at 1:00 PM ET today. Sometime later today we get to see Julie's live house guest Q&A with Cornbread. That should be interesting. We've never seen a scenario where production has had time to put together video showing the house guest who was evicted exactly why they were evicted. I'm not sure if Julie will do that or not, but it could be interesting. They could show Cornbread making his statements that got him in trouble and play his snoring then show the house guests reacting to it all. Julie has virtually unlimited time for the interview, so we'll have to see if she goes more in depth, or just gives a basic interview.
Expect to see lots of nothing happen today as the two sides of the house prepare for Saturday and Sunday's Safety Ceremonies. Alex will get her HOH room and then deal with an endless stream of house guests offering their guidance, all of which she'll ignore. Neeley will be in a tug of war for her loyalty. Scott will continue to float between sides, but Alex is his "ride or die" according to his live DR, so expect him to support her in whoever she nominates. Tomorrow the first America's Care Package will be delivered and we'll get another live DR tomorrow night. The next big thing is the POV comp on Monday. A win by Alex or one of her allies will let her cancel out the America's Nominee and ensure that Shane or Danielle will go home. If Shane or Danielle wins POV expect to see Justin or Jason (maybe Kryssie?) go up as the replacement.
The POV now becomes the most important comp each week as the HOH can then eliminate America's nominee and keep the target on his/her nominees.
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