Yesterday saw the day begin with the arrival of yet another Care Package. Paul and Victor watched anxiously as the card was read, knowing that America was giving them the power to overturn the HOH. Then they were surprised to find Corey's name called out as the winner. Corey was stunned to win. (Corey is easily stunned, or appears that way anyway.)
Corey then opened the Care Package and found America gifted him with jock straps, sunglasses, and the ability to give out a $5,000 bribe. After much confusion over the meaning of it all Corey and Nicole retreated to the HOH room to think things over. (As much as they think of anything.) Nicole was convinced that America was sending them a message of some sort. (Let's see now. America sent Care Packages to Natalie, James, Nicole, Michelle and Corey who are five of the seven house guests left. Hmmm. . . . .What kind of message could America be sending them?)
Paul and Victor, recovered from the shock of not getting any of the Care Packages then arrived in the HOH and attempted to convince Corey and Nicole that the Care Package meant America approved of their alliance and loved them. Nicole briefly considered the possibility that maybe America didn't like Paul and Victor since they never got a Care Package but soon dismissed that notion.
Nicole then came up with a plan to nominate someone from each of the other sides of the house to try and stay in the middle without alienating anyone. (Yeah, that'll work.) She decided to put up Paul and Michelle as her nominees. Michelle because Michelle and Nicole hate each other and neither one really tries to hide it. She then had to figure out how to break the news to Paul. She decided to assure him that he was a pawn and that they had his back no matter what and if it came down to a tie vote that Nicole would break the tie and save Paul. After some initial reluctance, Paul agreed to this plan.
The question then arose as to what to do if the POV is used. Corey suggested that James could then go up as a replacement. This was agreed to initially then later in the evening Nicole said she'd never put James up, so who knows what they'll do should the POV be played. The nominations were made and Paul and Michelle are the nominees.
Nicole, despite pledging her undying allegiance to the plan, still has some doubts about which of the two final four's she's part of she should stay true to. She knows that James and Natalie would be easier to beat, but she thinks Paul and Victor would win more and take them to the final four. (Nicole doesn't know that Paul and Victor have talked before of taking only girls to the final four/five and Corey would be a target of theirs in the very near future. Of course, James has also talked of taking only girls to the final four so Corey's out in either case.)
With the nominations done, attention turned to other matters. Natalie briefly tried making Jello and somehow managed to briefly catch the pot on fire (emphasis on briefly) which has her sworn off cooking forever and led to many minutes of apologies for nearly burning the house down, burning off Paul's beard, burning off her eyebrows, incinerating the entire state of California, the West Coast, and nearly all of the United States. Did I mention how briefly the pot was on fire? Anyway, once the long, long string of apologies ended, James finally ended his Have Not reign and was finally able to eat again.
Paul, Victor, Nicole and Corey, in preparation for today's POV comp drank the better part of two bottles of wine and got slightly sloshed. Michelle, who earlier in the day had said she was done with the game and wanted to go to jury, frantically ran through all of the events of the house and everything in the house to prepare herself for the POV comp. (She donated a bottle of wine she'd saved to the upstairs group to help them get sloshed.) Michelle is planning to win the POV, save herself. James assured her that Nicole an Corey would put up Victor. (He might be right, or they could put up James or Natalie.) James later told Natalie they had to win the POV to lock in the noms and keep everything the same so Paul would go home. (Michelle's the real target though unless she wins POV and uses it.)
Later today we'll find out if there are Have Nots this week. The house doesn't think there will be since the store room was heavily restocked and the Have Nots would likely be Paul, Victor and Corey, the first three to fall in the HOH comp and the three biggest eaters. The theory is that they wouldn't have gotten that much real food for just the three girls and James if there were Have Nots this week. Then we'll get the picking of the POV players. Natalie is convinced she'll be picked to play as no one wants her to host a comp again. She apparently required multiple takes of her lines the last time she hosted a comp and everyone lost patience with her as a host. With only one house guest sitting out the comp that person defaults into the host role. We know Nicole, Paul and Michelle will be playing then each will pick one more house guest's name from the box. Then the POV comp will take place and we'll see what happens afterwards.
If Nicole and Corey have any mental capacity left, they'll realize their best chances of winning are by eliminating the big strong players (Paul and Victor) from the house. Taking out Michelle at this stage is kind of a wimpy move if you want to win the game. Make a truce with her, get a promise of safety in return and trust you can beat her in a POV comp down the road should she betray you. Paul, being Paul is virtually living in the HOH room and trying to not so subtly manage Nicole's HOH. That may be wearing a bit thin with Nicole right now. Expect lots of whining from Nicole between today and Monday over what to doooooo, who to truuuuuust, and lots of Coreeeeeee's.
I'll never understand why people kill themselves to win an HOH and then don't know what to do once they win it. Every week before the HOH comp I'd have a mental list of four people (two nominees and two potential replacements just in case the third person on my list used the POV on one of the others) and I'd stick to that list. It's not really that hard. Who's the biggest obstacle to your winning the game? Take out the smartest (Paul) most physical (Victor) threats to your game. If you can't be sure you'll beat them later, then get rid of them while you've got the chance. Everyone in the house wants you gone, so that's not really a motivation to vote anyone out. Get rid of those who will be hardest to beat and you improve your odds of winning. Michelle strikes me as being someone who's not that hard to beat. Keep her around and get out a real threat while you've got the chance.
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