Tuesday passed with nothing terribly significant happening. The HOH camera made an appearance and Natalie, Victor and Corey were the only house guests who participated in Nicole's picture taking. Nicole couldn't complain much as she and Corey had ignored the last two HOH picture taking days. Only Victor is a routine participant in every picture taking day. Nicole did her HOH blog which will be posted later.
Victor's dying of boredom and led feed watchers on a Nature Watch program where he assumed the personality of a wildlife commentator discussing the various house guests. We'll likely see all or part of that airing on TV in the near future as unlike his Baldwin bits, this was entirely G rated.
Paul and Michelle seem to be engaged in some sort of a sleeping competition. Both are spending most of the day sleeping. Once Paul woke up he got a bit paranoid about what was going on in the house and wondering if he wasn't being voted out by a 4-0 vote on Thursday. (All indications are it will be a 2-2 tie and Nicole will likely vote out Michelle.)
Natalie has been observing the house and informed James that Michelle was likely leaving this week and that Paul and Victor are now solidly with Nicole and Corey. James didn't believe it and has a hard time accepting the possibility that Nicole would keep a solid duo like Paul and Victor in the house and vote out a relatively harmless Michelle. (A point most BB watchers agree with, but Nicole has a rather intense dislike of other girls/women so that makes Michelle a bigger target for her.)
Nicole doesn't care that Paul and Victor tried to get her and Corey separated just last week, and have been targeting them since Paulie left. She told them she didn't care what had happened before and they were starting from scratch after she won HOH. Not surprisingly she doesn't extend that forgetfulness to Michelle. Everything Michelle has ever said against her is retained and being used against Michelle.
Tactically I think it's a mistake on Nicole's part to keep Paul over Michelle. Even if Michelle won HOH and nominated Nicole it's likely the house would view whoever was up opposite Nicole as the bigger threat and Nicole would survive. If it was Nicole versus Victor, Victor would leave. I just don't see Michelle being that big of an immediate threat and Paul and Victor said yesterday that they'd rather have Corey in the final three than Nicole so she's not especially safe with them.
Natalie and Michelle have discovered that Victor has a foot phobia and doesn't like anyone's feet touching anything. They started using their feet to open the refrigerator door, touch the stove controls, etc. to annoy and frustrate Victor. They'll be having fun with him over that now that they know it bothers him.
Victor and Paul spend all of their time managing Nicole and Corey. Victor takes the early shift and glues himself to them until Paul gets up and then Paul takes over. They're not giving Nicole and Corey any time apart to think things over too much. Nicole and Corey can't understand why James isn't having any game talk with them, but they're never far away from Paul and Victor, so he hasn't had many opportunities. I still think one heart to heart talk between James and Nicole could flip the house this week, but Paul and Victor are doing everything possible to prevent that.
The house will likely be on an inside lock down today as the yard is prepped for tomorrow's HOH comp. This limits the ability to get away from everyone for a one on one chat. Natalie thinks some items are missing from the house and has informed James of it in case that's part of a comp. I'm not sure anyone else has noticed stuff missing. (It's entirely possible that nothing is missing and Natalie is mistaken, but who knows. She thinks things have disappeared and she could be right. They have done that for comps before.)
We have a show tonight. On tonight's show we'll see the aftermath of the nominations, the picking of the POV players, the POV comp and the POV ceremony. Watch Corey's eyes light up when he finds out it's a Christmas themed comp.
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