Thursday, July 21, 2016

Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 7/21/2016!!!

Yesterday saw Frank actively campaigning to save Tiffany and it looked pretty good for a while, but ultimately Paulie's intense hatred of Vanessa rose to the surface and likely doomed Tiffany. James helped seal the deal with fear that Tiffany would put up Natalie as a pawn, so James opted out of the effort to save Tiffany. It's not like anyone wants to keep Davonne, but Paulie really, really wants Tiffany gone first, so the house is more or less going along with it. 

Nicole and Zakiyah have been exchanging boy managing strategies. Zakiyah had to resort to faking a nightmare to get Paulie to hold her closer yesterday. (Note to Zakiyah: buy a copy of "He's Not Into You" and read it.) Nicole has taken more of a 'hands on' approach to keeping Corey close. Corey's getting serviced under the covers by Nicole on a fairly routine basis these days. Maybe that's not what's happening but Corey's "Don't stop" as Nicole's hand makes suspicious movements under the covers gives a strong indication that she's 'handling' their relationship. Neither guy seems all that invested in the 'relationships' however. These showmances seem to exist more in the minds of the two girls than in reality. Paulie really seems focused on the four guy (James, Paul, Paulie and Corey) alliance and oddly enough wants Natalie to be the last girl standing instead of Zakiyah. Corey seems to only have eyes for Paulie, though he's also staying pretty close to Frank. 

Natalie continues to keep James in tow. James seems the most loyal of the male showmance partners, but I'm not sure how committed Natalie is. Oddly James, Zakiyah, and Nicole all seem really smitten while their partners seem less so. Frank and Bridgette have a solid partnership, but there seems to be nothing romantic there, it's more of a business partnership. 

Right now those most at risk this coming week seem to be Frank, Bridgette, and Davonne. Most of the house would be pretty happy with any of those three going. Paulie's a pretty big target, but his multiple alliances might help save him. If the girls are ever going to unite, this would be a good week to do so. The numbers are starting to even out a bit and the guys are taking control of the game. A win by Bridgette where she puts up Paulie and Corey could change the flow of the game once again. A Davonne win could also be interesting to watch.

The HOH comp tonight seems likely to be one of the two endurance type comps, either the wall hanger or the spinning around hitting things comp. The wall hanger comp favors the smaller, lighter house guests while the spinning around comp tends to favor the bigger, stronger guys who can better absorb the blows. It looks like the team concept may now be ending and that could shake things up a bit. The Road Kill comp will likely not take place this week too. After the long endurance comps they typically skip the next comp as they have the endurance comp footage for Sunday's show. We'll have to see what happens. Whoever wins the Battle Back comp tomorrow night and gets dropped back into the game is likely to emerge as the top target for the rest of the house unless they can quickly hook up with someone. 

Bronte might have the best chance of hanging around a while if she comes back in. Bridgette and Natalie would quickly welcome her back and with James and Frank already with those two they'd have a pretty solid group of supporters for Bronte. I'm not sure Victor, Jozea, Glenn or Tiffany could rally more than one supporter (Paul for Jozea and Victor,) Tiffany might still have Frank and Bridgette on her side, and I'm not sure if Glenn would have anyone. Bronte has a pretty good shot at hanging around a while if she gets dumped back in.

It'll be an interesting show tonight. Expect the feeds to go down for much of tomorrow as they insert the Battle Back winner. That'll be annoying but there should be some fun stuff going down afterwards as the returning house guest tries to figure out what the heck they're doing there.

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