The following is a special announcement from the National BB House Forecasting Center: The countdown to the arrival of hurricane Davonne is now underway. Storm forecasters are predicting this to be a category five storm of unprecedented scale. The storm is expected to start impacting the Big Brother house late Monday afternoon and build in intensity until it reaches its peak on Thursday night. Viewers in the vicinity are warned to expect dire threats of revenge, tears, accusations of disloyalty, rage, and the possibility of thrown objects. Forecasters are warning that there is a possibility, even a likelihood that the storm may turn around on Thursday night and return to the vicinity of the BB house and continue to batter the inhabitants for an additional week and possibly longer. If you find yourself within the BB house viewing area, you should stay tuned for the latest outbursts.
When last we left the house Bridgette and Paulie were two pawns on the block just waiting for the POV to be played so one of them could come down and Paulie's real target, Davonne could go up to replace them. Yesterday's drawing of the POV players worked out well for Paulie in that Natalie, Corey and Victor were drawn to play. Multiple house guests are now claiming to have thrown the comp to Paulie who emerged victorious. The first parts of Paul and Paulie's plan have been sliding into place nicely for them so far.
The next step in the plan is for Paulie to use the POV on himself, take himself down and then Paul will put up Davonne since she volunteered to be a pawn. News that Davonne volunteered to be a pawn will likely come as something of a surprise to Davonne since she didn't really volunteer to be a pawn and Paul has assured her she's not going up. Davonne has managed to convince herself that Paulie's not even using the POV and will stay on the block so they're sure they get Bridgette out. (Davonne's a bit out of the loop on this and James and Zakiyah haven't filled in the blanks and are letting Davonne stagger into this completely blind.)
In a house of eleven people, ten are aware of the plan to backdoor Davonne, at least to some extent, while only Davonne remains in the dark. Michelle and Zakiyah are hoping to find a way to swing the votes to save Davonne, but the odds of that are pretty slim. It would take at least four votes to force a tie then Paul would break the time. At this moment, barring Nicole and Corey breaking free from Paulie's mindmeld (and truthfully the only two people in the house not in Paulie's odd little cult are Natalie and James) the only likely votes to save Davonne would be Michelle, Zakiyah and possibly James. Natalie has promised Bridgette she won't vote her out and Nat's word is generally pretty solid. Victor seems solidly with the guys not knowing or caring apparently that he's the fifth person in their four person (Paul, Paulie, Corey and James) alliance. That pretty much means they have to get Nicole and Corey on board with saving Davonne, and it should be pointed out that both Corey and Nicole know that Davonne has been pushing hard for one or both of those two to go up and be voted out. The odds favor Davonne being voted out in Thursday night.
In a rare surprise, the house guests got alcohol last night. Being the sober, intelligent group they are, they immediately got pretty sloshed. Nicole managed to get drunk enough to fall out of the hammock and Paul was so sloshed that Nicole, who was barely able to walk herself, had to help him stagger into the house to talk to Paulie. Paulie and Corey being Have Nots got to watch all of this go down without partaking. I suspect the house will be fairly quiet today as they sleep off the effects of last night and recover.
The house went into a bit of a fitness frenzy yesterday as they realized they were letting themselves go a bit. Natalie and Michelle are lamenting their current physical state. In fact Michelle laments just about everything from her weight to her hair color to her fingernails, to the air she's breathing. We may need to end up adding a new phrase to our vocabulary, there's Debbie Downer and now Moping Michelle. There was lots of running, weight lifting, exercising and general physical activity with the exception of Davonne who mostly sat and watched everyone else working out.
The house should be relatively calm today unless someone informs Davonne of the pending danger. Not that there's a lot, or anything for that matter, she can do about it. Davonne will go up tomorrow since she volunteered to be a pawn. ("Say what? When did I volunteer to be a pawn?") The house is expected to tell Davonne that the plan is to still get Bridgette out, but Davonne will know better.
Things will start to get interesting after the POV ceremony tomorrow. Paul's power will be done, so the house can regroup and reorganize itself with no further fear of what will Paul do. (By the way, Paul may be the first house guest ever to wear out his HOH bathrobe. The guy is living in it. The good news is it does help muffle his shouts a bit.) Zakiyah and Michelle can try to fish around more actively for votes to keep Davonne and vote out Bridgette. They likely won't succeed. They'll need Davonne and Nicole to make peace with one another and neither of those two is overly forgiving or trusting.
The ideal scenario for this week, at least from this viewer's perspective, is for Davonne to go on a rampage, expose everything going on, wake up a few of Paulie's acolytes from whatever spell he's got them under, then have Julie open Davonne's envelope revealing the round trip ticket and have Davonne return to the game breathing fire, win HOH and look for victims. As much as Davonne has wanted Nicole or Corey out, I doubt that she'd waste an HOH on them at this point and would instead target Paulie and Paul. Watching those two scramble would be a lot of fun.
Should Davonne not have the magic envelope and the round trip ticket then Michelle and Zakiyah are the next two targets for Paul and Paulie followed by Nicole. They want to use Bridgette to put up Michelle and Zakiyah, knowing that Bridgette and Michelle aren't exactly best buds. What the big dummies don't know is that Bridgette is still close to Natalie and Natalie knows Paulie is the leader of the house. Their pawn (Bridgette) may just end up getting one of them thrown out of the house.
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