Alas, poor Frank! We knew him well! The entire house seems likely to be targeting Frank this coming week now thanks entirely to Frank's own actions. Frank seems oblivious to any possible hint of danger as he continues his reign of terror against Tiffany and insists she has to go. Frank has no clue that Tiffany is the least of his problems at this moment.
Yesterday saw some odd stuff going on. Nicole chatted with Bronte and Natalie (rarely done as Nicole and Bronte have been more or less at war with one another since Nicole put up Jozea in week one.) In that chat Nicole promised safety to Bronte and Natalie if they'd promise her safety. The three all agreed to protect one another for the immediate future. Bronte wants to target Paul and Corey if she wins HOH. She thinks Paul is rich and wants him gone as he doesn't need the money.
This looks to be the first major step towards aligning the two all girl alliances (the Spy Girls and the Fatal Five.) There's some debate as to whether the Fatal Five is still an alliance after Zakiyah came up with the idea to form a new alliance composed of Zakiyah, Paulie, Corey, Nicole and Davonne. Davonne has the slightest little issue of being the only single person in an alliance of showmances. This has her ready to dump Zakiyah. She knows that the showmances would be looking to dump her and she's not cool with that. Davonne has told James of this new alliance and James is generally a bit lost as to what's going on in the house. He's largely been excluded from everything. Davonne likes the idea of breaking up the two showmances by getting rid of Paulie and Corey.
The guys in the house are starting to notice there aren't a lot of them left and the girls have all given them these lovely shirts with what appear to be bulls-eyes on them. This has the guys a teensy bit uncomfortable, but the girls have looked up from their bow and arrow making craft session to assure the guys that they're all fine and have nothing to worry about. "Oh, and would you mind putting on these blindfolds and standing by that wall over there?" The guys are in big trouble with various factions in the house targeting Frank, Paul, Paulie, and Corey. James is about the only guy who's not being actively targeted at this moment. On the girl side, Tiffany is being targeted by Frank, and Bridgette is being targeted by Michelle, but they're about the only girls in real danger. Bronte may find herself up as a pawn, but few really want her gone this coming week. If things go badly for Bronte she could find herself voted out, but she's not really a target now this week.
Oddly enough the person in the house with the best feel for what's happening is possibly Natalie. She can sense the fractures in the house and knows something's up, but she's largely outside the discussions so she's lacking a bit in details, but unlike Frank, she knows there's some chaos going on, she's just lacking in some details. She does know the big alliance in the house has developed fracture lines. Natalie's arguably the smartest player in the house and I wouldn't be surprised to see her win the whole thing before we're done. No one's targeting her and she's got good instincts.
The state of the alliances in the house is a jumbled mess right now. You have the Eight Pack plus Paulie which may or may not include Paulie and/or Tiffany depending on the mood of the house at the time. You have Frank's five person alliance where he's with Corey, Nicole, Paulie, and Zakiyah. You have Zakiyah's five person alliance which substitutes Davonne for Frank. You have Frank's roughly two thousand plus four person alliances and final two deals. You have the Spy Girls, who seem to be largely intact. It's all just a mess right now.
It now sounds like no one will throw tonight's HOH comp. Big Brother apparently hinted to Frank that he should tone down his actions in the house and also hinted that they were altering the HOH comps to limit comp throwing. No one (other than Michelle) is really looking to throw tonight's comp anyway, but at least BB is finally waking up and realizing the the errors of their ways.
And we have a show tonight! Expect tonight's show to be interesting to watch. Lots of stuff has gone down in the last 48 hours that is upsetting the producer's narrative. In last night's show Tiffany was portrayed badly and appeared to be the next likely evictee, possibly tonight. Well, tonight Victor is leaving by a unanimous vote (unless Paul throws him a sympathy vote.) Tiffany may be one of the safer people in the house as the anti-Frank forces (pretty much everyone but Frank) kind of want her kept so she can target Frank. Frank, who was portrayed very, very favorably on last night's show will instead be on the chopping block. We're very likely to see two pawns put up in the initial nominations this week with Frank as the real target for the backdoor.The house is oddly united to get rid of Frank. Who knew being a sexist, egotistic, gas passing, controlling jerk could get you voted out of the BB house? Apparently not Frank.
The house should be pretty calm today as the vote to evict is all but set in stone. Victor is leaving, likely by a unanimous vote. Despite BB's best attempts to make the vote seem suspenseful, it won't be. The HOH comp will be very interesting to watch. No one wants Frank to win, or for Frank's team to win. Michelle has promised to do whatever she can to throw the comp to keep the HOH away from Frank and Bridgette. (BB naturally decided this was the week to change the HOH comp to make it harder to throw the comp to help protect poor little Frank.) There was an earlier move to give the HOH to Zakiyah since it's her birthday this week and she wants Frank out, but it now looks like it'll be more of a fight to the death for the HOH. There are a lot of nervous hamsters planning a coup against Frank while Frank simply floats through the house on a cloud of his own gas emissions, slapping female house guests on the posterior. Frank's likely to get a rather hard slap across the face come Monday at the POV ceremony if things work out right.
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