Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates for 7/27/2016!!!

And yesterday was largely a quiet day in the old BB 18 house. Frank did some quiet campaigning to stay, but knows he might only have a couple of votes and the rest of the house is lying to him. Nicole is worried that Frank will turn the house against her while Davonne is frantically working to turn the house against Nicole. James wrote his HOH blog and the HOH camera appeared. 

A few of the house guests went back to the Parisian park to hang out in the new room. Nicole thought for sure she got in trouble for doing it, but she didn't. Michelle was upset to find that the blankets up there were considered props because one was nicer than the blanket she's using and she wanted to take it, but BB refused to let her.  (Which strongly implies that BB has plans to use the room again since they don't want stuff taken from it and they haven't torn it down after the envelopes were taken. In a typical season, once a room is done, it gets sealed up and forgotten. 

Rumor is circulating that there will be a BB 19 starting almost immediately after BB 18 ends. Casting has already started which is very quick. We'll have to see what happens there, but with POP and CBS All Access, CBS needs a lot of programming, so there's some logic to it. CBS All Access loses a lot of subscribers when the BB season ends and the live feeders go back to their normal programming, so keeping them subscribed makes sense for CBS.

By and large nothing much is changed. Frank is going home, likely by a unanimous vote. Davonne is out for Nicole's blood. The couples seem to have regained the trust they had in one another before Phone-Gate (where Corey refused to tell Nicole the code to get into the tunnel and Paulie didn't wake up Zakiyah.) Zakiyah is back to making marriage plans since Paulie told her he'd likely date her outside the house. Nicole's happy because Corey said she was his closest ally in the house. (Though if it came down to Nicole or Paulie, I'm pretty sure Corey would opt to go with Paulie.)

Today should be another quiet day in the house as everyone kills time waiting for tomorrow's show.  

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